Monday, June 16, 2003

meeting minutes

Meeting: 6/16/2003

Present: Assim Mohammad, Asad Siddiqui, Monem Salam, Iman Ibrahim, Inayet Shahin, Riyad Shama, Ayesha Kazmi, Hasan Siddiqi

There was no objection to Ayesha Kazmi joining the Board and it was unanimously approved.

Articles: Inayet mentioned that there are now two articles in production. One will be intro to MYNA – like editorial and the other will be a straight article about MYNA.

Action Item: Upon Assim’s suggestion, Inayet will try to get a high level outline
of the artiles.
Action Item: Inayet will ask Omar bin Abdulla what is the deadline for Islamic
Horizons for the conference issue and we will try to meet deadline.

Accounts Status: Riyad gave update: last week’s decision was to use Cincinnati account and change tax id of that account to ISNA. Assim reminded us that we need to do a quarterly audit of accounts.

Action Item: Riyad will ask Bahauddin Bede for report

A brief discussion was held about donors. Riyad said that he already had 15 committed people.

Action Item: Riyad will send out email to ask Board for names of donors

Website: Hassan gave update. Check to the company that currently holds was mailed a while back;

Action Item: Hassan will follow up with Daud regarding this matter.

Hassan also reported that ISNA does not have a technical document for website. Also, Monem mentioned that Jawad A. Rahman will help out with website design.


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