Thursday, April 03, 2003

meeting minutes

MYNA Board of Advisors 4/3/03 Minutes

In Attendance: Monem Salam, Assim Mohammad, Asad Siddiqui, Hasan Siddiqi
Absent: Riyad Shama

Strategic Planning Committee: Asad is still trying to get a hold of Nabeel Kaukab. Nabeel, insha Allah, will become the main advisor for the retreat;

Assim suggested Board of Advisors meet first before the bigger SP retreat to solve philosophical issues: ex. Is MYNA part of ISNA or not; what is focus of organization: sports, education, etc. This idea was approved and Asad will try to set up this meeting of the Board first.

Hasan suggested sending out surveys and then at the meeting, go over the results. Also, people at the retreat must be those who implement whatever is decided. This idea was accepted and Hasan will come up with the survey.

Organization Committee: Assim spoke to Jawad Abdur Rahman and Jawad promised to send Assim all information he has on MYNA. Also, Assim has begun talking to NAIT about consolidating MYNA accounts and it turns out the NAIT has a very old MYNA account it had set up for a waqf;

Web Committee: Riyad was not present for an update

Additional Board Members: Monem suggested the names of Brian Ingram and Afeefa Sayeed and no one had objections to asking them to join the Board. Monem said that he would forward the Board Brian’s contact info and give Brian contact info of the Board. As for Afeefa, Monem has not had a personal conversation with her as of yet.

Roles for Program and Organizational Director: The roles description that Riyad had emailed everyone, with the corrections that Monem made was accepted.

ISNA Majlis Shura meetigng: Monem and Asad will go to this meeting and ask for the release of funds from Majlis; Assim wanted to get feedback from Majlis as to the relationship of ISNA and MYNA. Once the money is released, MYNA will be able to hire the two Directors.
Subsequently the meeting was adjourned.


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