Monday, March 31, 2003

co-directors job descriptions

Salaams, Sorry for the delay of this, but please review and let me know if there are any changes or alterations. ...BTW, can we pay them on a 1099? It'll save everyone money. If so, how about $1500 a month for each? We also need to develop a budget for each position for expenses.
-Riyad Shamma

Co-Director Positions

Executive Director (Iman)
The ED is the primary “front” person for the organization and point of contact. Specifically, they are responsible for the following:
Attending as many events as possible in a diverse area.
Being the spokesperson for the organization.
Collecting contact information for the database.
Ensuring field youth workers have the necessary support.

Operational Director (Inayat)
The OD is responsible for making sure the organization stays functional and efficient. Specifically, they are responsible for the following:
Website data maintenance (i.e. making sure the info is up to date and available)
Procedure development.
Program development for “stock” or “standard” camps and conferences.
Resource development.
Reporting Structure

Both directors report on a weekly basis to the chairperson of the Advisory Council. This weekly update should happen on a three way call so that all parties are aware of each others activities and progress. Once a month (for the first year) both directors will report to the entire Advisory Council on a conference call. Any issues that the chair person is unable to resolve shall be brought to the attention of the advisory council, as will any issues that either director feels were unjustly dealt with by the chairperson.

MYNA will pay the agreed upon salary to each director, and the used budgeted expenses for the director. Expenses for other family members or extensions of business travel are to be born by the director.

Thursday, March 20, 2003

minutes of meeting

Asslamu Alaikum,
Here are the minutes to the last meeting. Please take a look and make corrections. Please complete your action items and keep all of us informed about the developments.

In Attendance: Monem Salam, Riyad Shama, Assim Mohammad, Hana Unus, Naeem Mohammed, Asad Siddiqui, Narjes Misherji

We began the meeting by discussing the MYNA Chair position. Because of her busy schedule, Hana Unus will no longer be able to take on this position. It was discussed that maybe we should not, temporarily, have a MYNA Chair. It is important that youth stay involved, but finding a chair at this time will distract the Board.

Resolved: Appoint youth on the various committees; when at the end of the year, we do a FYLTP, we can choose the new MYNA officers

Action Item: Hana will send out names of potential youth that could be on the committees

Next we discussed the Organization Committee and Assim Mohammed gave an update. Assim has been trying to consolidate all the paperwork and bank accounts for MYNA. He is also trying to locate the constitution, by-laws, and tax id status. Monem said that ISNA has boxes in the basement that belong to MYNA and that he has told Sis. Habibe to let everyone on staff know that if they find MYNA files, to email them to us.

Resolved: After doing preliminary work, Assim will go to ISNA HQ and go through the boxes. Assim will also inquire from Iron Mountain about cost of storage of MYNA files.

Next we discussed the Web committee and Riyadh gave an update. The site is not currently owned by MYNA. It is owned by Infocom, which got bought out recently. They own the domain name and have owned it, and MYNA has been using it for free. Also, we discussed the design document for the MYNA website. Assim suggested that Riyad check out Assim’s website.

Resolved: We should make every effort to get ownership of the name.

Action Items: Monem will inquire from Infocom as to the website. Riyad will come up with a design document for the website

Next we discussed the Strategic Planning committee and Asad gave an update. Monem said that he spoke with Dr. Rafeeq Beekun and Nabeel Kaukab and both are willing to help. Asad said that he is looking at some time in April to have the retreat, however, he will get in touch with Nabeel and Rafeeq to confer with them.

Action Item: Asad will get back to committee the results of his discussion with Dr. Beekun and Nabeel.

The Meeting was adjourned.