Wednesday, October 09, 2002

myna needs your help

as-salamu alaikum.
i'm still an advisor with MYNA, and i need some assistance. i'm sending you all this message, i don't know who among you is interested anymore. so, please reply if you care to find out more or help me in the effort in any way, even if it's just to give a simple suggestion.
the muslim youth of north america, will be going through a major reorganization and revival in the coming year, inshallah. we proposed, and the isna leadership has agreed to make some vital changes. do any of you have suggestions for people to serve on a new national board of directors along side the youth officers? i'm looking for scholars, activists, parents, leaders, anyone experienced or not - i
need some good names. ALSO, do you know of anyone willing to be a full-time PAID employee of MYNA, providing support for muslim youth activities? to help youth groups organize events, provide resources, build connections. again this is your opportunity to give me names. lets get some good people on the board and take myna in a better direction. i need your help. ASAP!
i know we all have moved on. dedicated to different groups or schools of thought or whatever (myself included). some of us have our roots in muslim youth work....
well, its still going on and it could use your experience. my friend monem is an isna officer, he told me about an event coming up very soon. ISNA is having a winter conference and youth camp in orlando during the christmas break. they want me to help with the youth program and advertise both in miami.
considering that i've heard several people say that they wanted "something for the youth" during the break anyways. well, isna is paying for it. they already have a great site. the folks at isna havn't given me many details yet, but i'll try to get them to allow us to make changes to the program. i need ideas. for speakers or topics or anything. please help. i know its short notice. they just called me,
i can't do this alone. if i don't get at least 5 volunteers from through-out florida, and 5 from south florida (from all the people i am sending this e-mail to), i'll tell them, sorry i can't help. we don't get many opportunities like this. please respond to my e-mail ---- or call me at ----
peace and love.

Tuesday, October 01, 2002

conference call set

the notice that began an effort to reform and revive MYNA:

"just wanted to let all of you know that the conference call has been set for 7:00pm CST on Sunday Oct. 2, 2002...If you have any problems or cant make the call, please let me know...Take Care. Allah Hafiz. Monem"

followed by:

"Assalamu Alaikum, ok, first let me begin by apologizing on behalf of the conference call chair....(he got sick) Ok, I wanted to start off this discussion with a conference call but because of time, I will not wait another week. Let me tell you who is on this list and how we can proceed:

Naeem Mohammed
Asad Siddiqui
Riyad Shama
Nada Unus
Hana Unus
Lubabah Abdallah
Monem Salam

Does anyone know how to set up a yahoo groups? Also, we have no one on this list from the West Coast.......anyone know of anyone? is there anyone else we should consider for this list?

What I think we should do to begin this discussion is to ask Naeem to give us a background as to why we are meeting.......just to get everyone up to speed. If there is discussion, lets keep it lively but action oriented. I will try my best to give input but also moderate the discussion.

Naeem -- its all you dude?

Take Care. Allah Hafiz