Friday, October 03, 2003

expected FAQs

Expected FAQ’s

· How will the new structure of MYNA differ from the old one?
o The exact positions and titles have not yet been decided, but the plan is to have youth leaders operating under a Board of Directors and Advisors.
o Paid full time employees will be utilized to ensure work is completed in a timely and professional manner.
· What will happen to the zonal structure?
o This still needs to be explored.
· What role will the youth have in the leadership of the organization?
o Similar to the old MYNA, the youth will make up the leadership of the organization, whatever structure it eventually takes. This would be the organizational part of MYNA. We also, concurrently, will have MYNA, the institution, that will run the endowment and hire staff to assist the youth in planning, coordinating, etc. There are certain tasks, as we learned from our past, that cannot be left up to youth, not because they are not competent but because they are transient, moving from MYNA to MSA.
· Who will organize and run the camps and conferences?
o The youth should guide the program planning, but the logistical aspects will probably be arranged by advisors.
· What role does MYNA expect to have in existing youth groups?
o Providing resources when needed, assisting with programming, advocating on behalf of the youth group . . .
· How will the new MYNA incorporate issues of spirituality?
o It is evident that the old MYNA, was not sufficient in facilitating the development of each individual’s spirituality – therefore, the new MYNA will need to make a greater effort in incorporating this piece for activities and within youth groups.
· What role will parents have in the new MYNA?
o There will be higher expectations of parents to become active and vocal within MYNA.
o By increasing parental involvement the expectation is that there will be greater support and continuity on the local level.
· What will MYNA do for local communities?


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